God's Story

Each of our stories exist under a larger banner of God's 4 act story of wandering and grace.  The story of God is as old as time itself but few have experienced the beauty, wonder and peace of living under the shelter of God Almighty.   Have you found your place in God's story?


We seek to embody the presence of God in our families, neighborhoods, workplaces and city by inviting others to delight in Christ and His gospel. As the Lord establishes a gospel-centered community in the downtown core of Sarasota and its surrounding region, we prayerfully anticipate helping to plant additional gospel-centered churches in our region and world.

Our Story

Chris and Rebecca Knaebel met at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and through 16 years of pastoral ministry church planting became a clear passion.  They moved from Pennsylvania with a hunger to see the Gospel change lives in Sarasota by doing well the main things of Matthew 28: gathering a local community for the purposes of delighting in Christ through worship, equipping one another in community to live out the gospel at home, work and play, and to invite skeptics, seekers and doubters to explore the riches of the resurrected Christ.  From a living room, to a community room, to a rooftop, to an office building, to restaurant in downtown Sarasota, God has graciously and abundantly provided for our growing church. 

Core Commitments

Everything we do at Christ Church flows out of three core commitments: the Gospel, our community and Christ's mission. We embrace the truth of the Gospel, love seeing it worked deeper into hearts through equipping community, and are passionate about extending Christ's mission at home, work and play. 

Our Beliefs

We are a Christian, Gospel-centered, reformed church. We are focused on seeing the good news of Jesus’ rescue, redemption and transformation of sinners like us integrated into every part of our lives. 

Our Affiliations 

Christ Church maintains relationships with churches across the city, state, nation and globe. Ultimately, we are all God’s people, together seeking the growth of God's Kingdom in our hearts, homes, cities and the world.