The Grace of God's Story

Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You. ~Augustine, 4th Century

Humanity has long tasted life's glory without finding satisfaction. The story of Jesus offers real peace, lasting fulfillment, and deep comfort. Have you found your place in God's Story?

I. CREATION - In what do we root our identity?

In the beginning, God created man and woman in His likeness.  He wanted them to know that their dignity didn't come from what they do, but in who God made them to be. The relationship between God and humanity was perfect, filled with unimaginable delight and freedom. Woven into the fabric of the creation, human identity and purpose were found only in connection with the Creator.

II. FALL - How did we come to be marked by brokenness?

The world now, as we know, is not as it should be.  At the center of the fall is the problem of ignoring God, His heart and His commands.  The fruit of that sin is the brokenness we know well: disease, death, relational strife, financial hardship, racism, injustice, anxiety, and distrust. Doubting God’s goodness and not believing Him to be sufficient to meet their needs, the first humans reached for what was not theirs.  Immediately the world of complete wholeness was shattered. Humanity, ever since, lives and moves in a central brokenness from which they ache to be free.

III. REDEMPTION - Who will rescue us from the brokenness?

Humanity was not meant to live without meaning and satisfaction, freedom and identity, justice and hope.  In the shadow of such brokenness, a Redeemer was promised (Genesis 3:15) to restore and renew all things.  When the time was right God punched a hole in heaven, and Christ the Rescuer was sent into the world. Christ's death satisfied the penalty of sin's death (Rom 3:23) and His perfect life frees from the power of sin's dominion (Rom 6:14). His present grace is sufficient for brokenness within and without. His cross guaranteed the removal of sin's lingering destruction.  His glory is tasted as hearts become a "new creation" (2 Cor 5:17) and God Himself becomes their home.

IV. RESTORATION - For what do we ultimately hope?

All of history cries out for restoration and all of Scripture points to it. The certain consummation of Christ's work on the cross ends in the final defeat of sin's existence and decay. God's final triumph will be better than life before sin. The Creator of all (Colossians 1:16-17) has already begun making all things new (2 Cor 5:21, Rev 21:5). When Christ returns, He will gather His children to their forever home (Rev 21:1-5). In the Savior’s presence, sin, sorrow and sadness will be undone.  Heaven's wholeness realized, the King and His Bride will share the unending satisfaction of paradise, made new, forever.

The Grace of God in Christ truly changes everything.  Have you found your place in God's Story?


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